Dropship Selling Mechanism on The View of Islamic Economics Law


  • Eko Nur Cahyo Faculty of Shari’ah, University of Darussalam (UNIDA) Gontor
  • Rofiq Hanif Nashuha Faculty of Shari’ah, University of Darussalam (UNIDA) Gontor


Dropshipping, Salam, Sale and Purchase, Samsarah, Wakalah


This paper tries to see and to study the correct selling and purchasing transactions in accordance with sharia economic law and the dropship mechanism on online business. Then compares between the dropship mechanism on the online business with the correct selling and purchasing according to sharia economic law. This research study was literature research, object  this  research  was  the  character  of  an  object,  or  limelight  and  target  research, which relacted to Islamic economic law. The result of this research was that transaction by using dropshipping mechanism after reviewing from the aspect of pilars of selling and purchasing according to syariah economic law had not enough fulfi ll, specially in terms of ma’qud alaih (object or goods transacted) so it can be concluded through two opinions, that was dropshipping which was prohibited was the practice of selling and purchasing under the usual dropship mechanism, and using a salam contract scheme, while allowable dropshipping was a dropship mechanism using an intermediary or samsarah scheme, and a representative or wakalah scheme. Here this thesis is hoped to useful for all, readers can understand the economic morals in Islamic law, especially in the sale and purchase transactions.


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