تأثري شهادة الحلال وسفري العلامة التجارية على قرار الشراء العناية بالبرشة في :دراسة ىلع طالبات جامعية يف دار السلام كونتور


  • Vina Fithriana Wibisono Universitas Darussalam Gontor
  • Mohammad Ghozali Universitas Darussalam Gontor
  • Khurunin Zahro Universitas Darussalam Gontor
  • Sahnaz Emira Universitas Darussalam Gontor


Halal Label; Brand Ambassador; Purcase Decision; Azarine Cosmetic.


Halal label is writing or images that provide information about the halalness of a product. In addition to halal labels, marketing strategies that are currently trending are collaborating with brand ambassador in promoting their products. Azarine is one of the cosmetics that has been halal label and works with brand ambassador from South Korean is Lee Min Ho, so it can attract a lot of consumer attention. The purpose of this study is to find out how much influence halal labels and brand ambassador have on female students University of Darussalam Gontor 1st Campuss in purcasing decision for Azarien skincare. The research method used in this study is the quantitative descriptive methods. Data were collected using quesioners and respondens were sellected using Non-Probability Sampling with Purposive Sampling technique. Total respondenin this study were 85 people. Data were analyzed using Multiple Linear Regression and processed with SPSS verison 26. The results showed that halal labels and brand ambassador parcialy and simutaneously influenced the purchase decision of azarine skincare at student of University Darussalam first Campuss. it be concluced that the attitude of female students in making purchasing decisions is in accordance with the faoundation of Islamic Low by precipitating the halal aspects to be consumed. 


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