Mediasi Journal of International Relations
<p><strong>Mediasi P-ISSN: 2621-0924 ; E-ISSN: 2746-1122, </strong> as international relations journal, still developing more to issues related to this study. This journal focuses on issues which can be analyzed in international studies, such as international relations issues, policy, economy, laws, development, SDG's or else. </p> <p><strong>Mediasi</strong> is proud to be one of the academics product to study and analyze the international issues. It is also important that mediasi was started from projects of University of Darussalam Gontor Students with their lecturers, then develop and will always moving through the world issuses. The phenomenon of international studies is not only attracting but also related to other studies, that's why Medias come up with critical analyses to see the world as scholars. Mediasi may give a lot of impact to University of Darussalam Gontor Students, and others by seeing international issues like state to state relations, war, government, etc in deep way. Students of University of Darussalam Gontor starts this journal as project based which then will be developed on policy analyses or else. </p> <p>The main editorial team consits of spread author among countries, mostly from Indonesia from doctoral degree and masters. The journal is reviewed by editor, section editor, and reviewer to maintain the quality of articles. </p>UNIDA GONTORen-USMediasi Journal of International Relations2621-0924The Role of International Court Justice (ICJ) in Resolving South China Sea Disputes Positivism Perspective
<table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="369"> <p><em> The Law of the Sea increasingly developed in the 19-20 centuries marked by the 1982 UNCLOS Convention on the Law of the Sea. This research discusses the role of UNCLOS in handling South China Sea disputes. And how is the settlement of the South China Sea dispute based on the International Court of Justice? This study uses qualitative methods based on secondary data sources derived from books, the internet, documents, journal articles, media, and others. The theory used in this study is one of the theories of positivism with an international law approach. The South China Sea dispute began with China's claims to the seas listed on its Nine Dashed Line map. Cases of disputes over the jurisdiction of the ICJ against the agreement of the disputing parties are to be submitted to the International Court of Justice. Cases submitted to the International Court of Justice contain the determination of the matters in question as well as various kinds of questions submitted to the International Court of Justice. If viewed from the perspective of positivism, the position of national law is higher than international law, so the claims of the South China Sea that have existed since the Han dynasty cannot be denied if China itself does not ratify international law and does not ratify UNCLOS and still adheres to the principles of national law or jurisdiction of its country. As the International Court of Justice, this dispute should be resolved by the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice.</em></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>Aulia Tiara NisaIntan Farah DibaIda Susilowati
Copyright (c) 2024 Aulia Tiara Nisa
2024-07-262024-07-267110.21111/mediasi.v7i1.11726The Role of KOCCA (Korea Creative Content Agency) as been Implemented in the Spread of South Korea Culture by the Means of the Creative Industry
<p>The influence of the Korean wave has influenced the world and <br>created quite a big influence on the international market, looking <br>at the large impact that Korean has had In this wave , the <br>government formed an institution that supports the spread of <br>culture, especially in the creative industry sector, namely KOCCA. <br>KOCCA is a government institution that is directly responsible for <br>the growth of South Korea's creative industry as well as regulating <br>South Korean content so that it is in line with the South Korean <br>cultural values it wishes to convey. This research aims to analyze <br>KOCCA's role in expanding the spread of South Korean culture <br>through the creative industry. The method used in this research is <br>a qualitative method with bibliography data collection techniques. <br>This research examines KOCCA's role in expanding the spread of <br>South Korean culture through the creative industry. The concepts <br>used in this research are the concept of soft diplomacy and <br>multitrack diplomacy track one and track two . The results of the <br>research show that KOCCA's role in spreading South Korea's <br>creative industry is as a liaison between the government and <br>society and the international community, as a promotional and <br>supporting forum for the creative industry, as a supporter of South <br>Korea's positive image in the eyes of the world.</p>Fadillah nisrina SiswantoNovi Rizka Amalia
Copyright (c) 2024 Fadillah nisrina Siswanto
2024-08-112024-08-117110.21111/mediasi.v7i1.12411The Indonesian Goverment's Strategy in Maintaining and Increasing UAE Investment Interset in 2015-2022
<p><em>In maintaining the interest of UAE investment in Indonesia, the government and the President made various efforts to maintain this trust. Before heading to the main discussion, namely maintaining investment interest, President Jokowi and the government visited the UAE from 2015 to 2022. President Jokowi, chose the UAE as a visited country for various strong reasons in it which include the wealth owned by the UAE state and the activity of the UAE state in the international world in terms of investment. Visit after visit made by President Jokowi created good results and created various agreements, one of which was IUEA-CEPA by using IKN as the main attraction of the Indonesian state in the eyes of investors. After successfully conducting economic diplomacy in the UAE, President Jokowi and the government know the shortcomings of the Indonesian state which can be an obstacle to the course of investment in Indonesia. In order to create a good investment climate, the government carries out various strategies and policies related to investment which can reduce various problems. These problems include; corruption, bureaucracy, and convoluted regulations. With various strategies that are considered successful, it has a major impact on the economic progress of the Indonesian state both in terms of infrastructure, economic development, and people's welfare (job creation). Looking at the lens of Islam, the strategies and efforts made by President Jokowi and the Indonesian government are considered as fair, and honest attitudes as well as good attitudes in maintaining trust. Please note, this research is quantitative by using theory as the basis for discussion. The theories used are theories relevant to this research including; Economic Diplomacy, and Stephen D Cohen's FDI theory. The data obtained in this study uses various sources including, documents, books, websites, social media (You tube), and statistical data obtained from the official website of the data owner (BUMN, BKPM, WorldBank, UNCTAD, and others)</em></p> <p><em>In maintaining the interest of UAE investment in Indonesia, the government and the President made various efforts to maintain this trust. Before heading to the main discussion, namely maintaining investment interest, President Jokowi and the government visited the UAE from 2015 to 2022. President Jokowi, chose the UAE as a visited country for various strong reasons in it which include the wealth owned by the UAE state and the activity of the UAE state in the international world in terms of investment. Visit after visit made by President Jokowi created good results and created various agreements, one of which was IUEA-CEPA by using IKN as the main attraction of the Indonesian state in the eyes of investors. After successfully conducting economic diplomacy in the UAE, President Jokowi and the government know the shortcomings of the Indonesian state which can be an obstacle to the course of investment in Indonesia. In order to create a good investment climate, the government carries out various strategies and policies related to investment which can reduce various problems. These problems include; corruption, bureaucracy, and convoluted regulations. With various strategies that are considered successful, it has a major impact on the economic progress of the Indonesian state both in terms of infrastructure, economic development, and people's welfare (job creation). Looking at the lens of Islam, the strategies and efforts made by President Jokowi and the Indonesian government are considered as fair, and honest attitudes as well as good attitudes in maintaining trust. Please note, this research is quantitative by using theory as the basis for discussion. The theories used are theories relevant to this research including; Economic Diplomacy, and Stephen D Cohen's FDI theory. The data obtained in this study uses various sources including, documents, books, websites, social media (You tube), and statistical data obtained from the official website of the data owner (BUMN, BKPM, WorldBank, UNCTAD, and others)</em></p> <p> </p>Sahmun Karihan MukinAlde Mulia Putra
Copyright (c) 2024 Sahmun Karihan Mukin
2024-07-262024-07-267110.21111/mediasi.v7i1.12004Islamic Diplomacy and the Palestinian Quest for Peace and Independence: An Analytical Perspective
<p>The Israeli occupation of Palestine is a stain and a black mark on the life of inter-state and international relations in this century. Independence for all nations and countries seems like an impossibility; the UN, as an international institution established to create peace and justice for the world's nations, has failed to fulfill its function. The UN Security Council, responsible for maintaining security, has not offered protection to the Palestinian people. Instead, it has permitted Israel to commit massacres and war crimes against countless lives without reprimand or justice. Similarly, countries around the world seem powerless, able only to condemn without the strength to intervene or stop the situation. This article is written as an effort to explore the opportunities and challenges for the Palestinian state in achieving peace and independence within the realm of international diplomacy. The approach used is based on concepts of Islamic diplomacy, whose main objective is to maintain and create peace among different religious communities and humanity as a whole. This research employs a qualitative methodology with direct fieldwork. The researcher traveled to countries adjacent to Palestine and Israel, including Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and also Indonesia. Although Indonesia is far away, its uniqueness as a predominantly Muslim nation creates an emotional and political affinity with the Palestinian cause. The research results indicate that the primary challenge for Palestinian independence diplomacy is the lack of unity among Arab countries when confronting Israeli and American diplomacy. Most nations prioritize their own national interests over providing direct support for Palestinian diplomacy and independence.</p>Rudi CandraSofi Mubarok
Copyright (c) 2024 Rudi Candra
2024-07-262024-07-267110.21111/mediasi.v7i1.12543The Grassroots Development in Nigeria
<p><em>This research explores the implications of the Grassroots Development Theory in shaping development policy in Nigeria. The study identifies key challenges including economic inequality, corruption, regional disparities, and social conflicts that hinder inclusive and sustainable development in the country. The primary aim is to analyze the practical application of Grassroots Development Theory in addressing these challenges and promoting holistic development. To achieve this, a descriptive qualitative research method is employed, involving an extensive literature review encompassing scientific journals, books, research reports, government policies, and relevant literature sources. The findings of this study shed light on the potential of Grassroots Development Theory to guide policy formulation for more inclusive and equitable development in Nigeria.The research concludes that a deep understanding of these challenges and a commitment to addressing them collectively are essential for Nigeria to achieve inclusive, sustainable, and peaceful development for its entire population. The study recommends further research focusing on concrete impacts, comparative analysis with similar nations, participatory research to understand local perspectives, and policy analysis, particularly in the areas of education and grassroots skill development.</em></p>Fara Kamilah Ghufrony
Copyright (c) 2024 Fara Kamilah Ghufrony Miftakul Gufron
<p><em>This research focuses on using the concept of Cultural Intelligence (CQ) as an analytical lens to identify the economic diplomacy strategy of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The research method applied is a descriptive qualitative method with data collection techniques involving various sources, including reports, journals, news, and literature related to this topic. Cultural Intelligence is applied through four main dimensions: Motivational CQ, Cognitive CQ, Metacognitive CQ, and Behavioral CQ. This research explores how the UAE, as a multicultural country, utilizes cultural intelligence to shape and implement strategies in its economic diplomacy. The results show that Cultural Intelligence (CQ) is able to act as a lens that enables the identification of a country's economic diplomacy strategy. The high Motivational CQ is reflected in the UAE's enthusiasm to adapt to a dynamic economic environment. Cognitive CQ is applied in managing a positive image and reducing negative stereotypes, increasing attractiveness for expatriates and international economic actors. Meanwhile, Metacognitive CQ is reflected in the UAE's efforts to position themselves as a moderate and tolerant country, creating strong relationships in the Islamic world while still maintaining their cultural identity. Behavioral CQ strategies are manifested in inclusive and responsive policies to cultural conflicts, which strengthen economic relations and reduce uncertainty. This research contributes to the understanding of the role of Cultural Intelligence as an analytical lens in exploring a country's economic diplomacy strategy, particularly in the UAE context. The implications of this research can serve as a basis for the development of better policies and practices in enhancing economic cooperation and achieving national and global goals.</em></p>Muhammad FauziDini Septyana Rahayu
Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Fauzi, Dini Septyana Rahayu