ETTISAL : Journal of Communication
<p>ETTISAL: Journal of Communication (EJOC) registered with<a href=""> ISSN 2599-3240 (Print)</a> and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ISSN 2503-1880 (Online)</a>. Selected paper that published by EJOC is under a Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 International License. EJOC is a blind peer-reviewed journal published semi-annual ( June and December) by Universitas Darussalam Gontor incorporate with the Indonesian Communication Scholars Association: Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia (ISKI) and association of communication science colleges: Asosiasi Perguruan Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi (ASPIKOM) </p> <p> <a href=""><img src="" alt="" width="157" height="51" /> </a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="" width="157" height="51" /></a></p> <p>EJOC also supervised by Indonesian Communication Science Journal Management Association: Asosiasi Pengelola Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Indonesia (APJIKI), Journal Organizing Association of Da’wah: Persatuan Pengelola Jurnal Dakwah (PPJID) and Indonesian Journal Volunteers: Relawan Jurnal Indonesia (RJI)</p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" width="157" /></a><img src="" alt="" width="157" height="51" /><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" width="157" height="51" /></a></p> <p>DOI:</p> <p>ETTISAL: Journal of Communication invites manuscripts in the various topics include, but not limited to: Political communication, Cross-cultural communication, Business communication, Organizational communication, Health communication, Media Studies, Semiotics, Media Literacy, Marketing Communication.</p> <p>ETTISAL: Journal of Communication accredited by Kemenristekdikti RI (Sinta 2) based on SK No. 225/E/KPT/2022 </p> <p> ETTISAL : Journal of Communication indexed by : </p> <p><a href=""><img src="" alt="moraref" width="157" height="59" /></a></p> <p> </p> <p>This Journal indexed by several index institution including:</p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="Google" width="157" height="54" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="Garuda" width="157" height="54" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="base" width="157" height="54" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="worldcat" width="157" height="54" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="onesearch" width="157" height="52" /> </a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="crossref" width="157" height="54" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="dimensions" width="157" height="51" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="" width="157" height="54" /></a></p> <p> </p> <p>The submitted manuscript would be check for plagiarism using by Turnitin with a maximum tolerance of 10 per cent. </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" width="157" height="54" /></a></p> <p>Articles published in the ETTISAL: Journal of Communication were reviewed by at least two reviewers before being published through a blind peer review.</p> <p> </p>Universitas Darussalam Gontor collaboration with ISKI (Ikatan Sarjana Ilmu Komunikasi Indoen-USETTISAL : Journal of Communication2503-1880<p>In order to be accepted and published by Ettisal : Journal of Communication, author(s) submitting the article manuscript should complete all the review stages. By submitting the manuscript the author(s) agreed to these following terms:</p><p>1. The copyright of received articles shall be assigned to [Ettisal : Journal of Communication] as the publisher of the journal. The intended copyright includes the right to publish articles in various forms (including reprints). [Ettisal : Journal of Communication] maintain the publishing rights to the published articles.</p><p>2. Authors are permitted to disseminate published article by sharing the link/DOI of the article at [Ettisal : Journal of Communication]. authors are allowed to use their articles for any legal purposes deemed necessary without written permission from [Ettisal : Journal of Communication] with an acknowledgement of initial publication to this journal.</p><p>3. Users/public use of this website will be licensed to CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution & Non-Commercial-ShareAlike)</p><p> </p>Examining Indonesia’s Aggression towards Malaysia over Tari Pendet Dispute in Youtube Comments: The Role of Collective Narcissism
<p><em>This study analyses themes that emerged in discussions on YouTube comments by Indonesian regarding the 2009 Pendet Dance controversy. The research uses netnography methods with a qualitative approach. Using Netlytic, corpus was collected from YouTube under 'Malaysian Pendet Dance' keyword. There are 1030 comments gathered from 4 relevant videos. The corpus was selected and eliminated to 52 comments. For comparison, the corpus is divided based on the upload period, marked by the time Discovery Channel apologized to Indonesia. Based on collective narcissism understanding, researcher frames the emerging themes and sub-themes related to the nature of collective narcissism. The themes and sub-themes of the comments were then coded, compared, and projected with the help of NVivo software. The results show that there is a development of stacking narcissism themes across periods. The collective narcissism themes found in the 2009 period were aggressiveness; desire for justification and other nations’ recognition of own culture; prejudice which causes hostility. Meanwhile, during the commentary period from 2010 to present, the same themes are found, with the addition of sub-themes and three new main themes namely the hardship of forgetting old wounds; see oneself as a tortured victim; and radicalism-to which brought another issue. The conflict between the Indonesian and Malaysian began in 1963 in the Borneo conflict and still ongoing. The collective narcissism that Indonesian society displays towards Malaysia is mediated by the ideology of blind patriotism and the perceived threat to the group by external aggression.</em></p>Sarah Pricillia Hendra
Copyright (c) 2024 ETTISAL : Journal of Communication
2024-06-282024-06-289110.21111/ejoc.v9i1.9709Mapping The Characteristics of Medical Influencer on Social Media: A Study from Indonesia
<p><em>Social media have a crucial role in health discourse and have become a health information source in Indonesia. Health professionals have actively shared information, updated the situation and regulations, explained the cases by answering users’ questions, and combated the hoax through their accounts during the COVID-19 pandemic. Health professionals are still perceived as credible and trusted sources to provide health information and messages to the public. This study aims to describe the credibility and expertise aspect of a medical doctor on social media, particularly Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter. The research uses a quantitative approach capturing the bio and content from the accounts of medical influencers. The research findings reveal that health professionals on social media have transformed into microcelebrities, where some receive pay to promote and self-promote themselves.</em></p>Niken Febrina ErnungtyasRino Febrianno BoerFemmy Femmy
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2024-06-282024-06-289110.21111/ejoc.v9i1.9895The Elaboration of Persuasive Health Protocol Messages During The Adaptation of New Habits of Covid-19
<p><em>The increasing number of victims caused by COVID-19 has driven the Indonesian government to implement policies for COVID-19 handling and prevention through various strategies, one of which is implementing health protocols. Advisory notices to follow health protocols were responded to by the public with multiple attitudes, such as compliance and rejection. Young people are believed to have low compliance and tend to ignore health behavior, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. By using the Elaboration Likelihood theoretical approach, this study aimed to identify the extent to which young people process adherence messages of health protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic delivered by the Indonesian government. As many as 174 young people were surveyed and found that health protocols were applied through central dan peripheral channels simultaneously. The messages are conveyed elaborately in a simple and less critical matter.</em></p>Hasbullah AzisEsfandani Peni Indreswari
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2024-06-282024-06-289110.21111/ejoc.v9i1.10262Implementation of Community Development and Empowerment Programs in Samarinda City: An Analysis of Online News Articles
<p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>This paper seeks to explore how online news media frame the achievement of the implementation of the community development and empowerment program (Pro Bebaya) in Samarinda City. This research investigates the success factors, obstacles, and challenges in implementing Pro Bebaya. This research aims to evaluate the implementation of the Pro Bebaya policy and assist the government, local parliament (DPRD), and the community in planning future policy programs. This research uses an inductive methodology to conduct content and qualitative narrative analysis of news stories published between January 2022 and February 2023. The dataset consists of articles from eleven leading online news sites in Indonesia</em><em>. </em><em>Qualitative content analysis shows that the news media Antaranews, Infosatu, Kaltimminutes, and Timeskaltim do much reporting on the achievement of the implementation of Pro Bebaya. Other success factors' findings include involvement and coordination with stakeholders, a control system, socialization by the government to the community, information sharing, tangible changes in infrastructure, and increasingly developed apparatus knowledge. Then, these factors led to the smooth implementation of program activities. Further but insignificant are the barriers and challenges, such as the lack of community involvement and knowledge in program implementation and budget constraints. Our findings support the argument that implementing government decisions or policies is based on actual action practices.</em></p>Muhammad Reza FahlevyYahdi QolbiJumansyah JumansyahMarcello Ahimsa Hayamaputra
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2024-06-282024-06-289110.21111/ejoc.v9i1.10615Analysis of Semarang City Disbudpar Instagram Content Strategy in the New Era of Covid 19
<p><em>Efforts to grow tourism in the new era of Covid-19 in Semarang City have encouraged the Semarang City Culture and Tourism Office to promote tourism through various media platforms. One strategy is to promote tourism content through social media Instagram @disbudparkotasemarang. Accessibility encourages tourists to search for information on Instagram. This condition encourages content planning not only to display various destinations. This study aims to find out how to analyze the Semarang City Disbudpar Instagram Content Strategy in the New Era of Covid 19?. The method used is qualitative descriptive using The Circular Model of SoMe to analyze the findings. The results show that the @disbudparkotasemarang Instagram account has basically gone through four important stages in planning content, namely: Share, Optimaze, Manage and Engage. The content strategy is carried out by interacting with posts, displaying cultural events, and tours. This strategy is able to attract user attention as seen from the number of likes and comments that are very different. It's just that the implementation hasn't shown good performance, with the engagement rate still at a moderate level of 1.28 percent. Although, there has been an increase, posts, followers and users during 2022. It is important to plan content by paying attention to the level of engagement which is indicated by interactive communication.</em></p>Yofiendi Indainanto
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2024-06-282024-06-289110.21111/ejoc.v9i1.10622Mitigating Lecturers’ Communication Uncertainty in Using SWVC During Online Lectures
<p><em>This study investigates at the communication uncertainty undergraduate lecturers face when delivering lectures through synchronous web video conferencing (SWVC) during online lectures. Uncertainty Reduction Theory (URT) is employed to understand how lecturers use communication techniques to reduce uncertainty in online lecture. Undergraduate lecturers at Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta who have ever conducted teaching online were interviewed in semi-structured interviews. Thematic analysis is performed, with a particular focus on the methods that lecturers use to communicate with their students in order to build relationships and reduce uncertainty. The study identifies a number of important areas of uncertainty, such as technical challenges, the development of useful learning materials, evaluation of comprehension, student involvement, and conduct during online sessions. This study shows how lecturers use active, passive, and interactive strategy to reduce uncertainty. These results underline how crucial it is to deal with technology challenges, advance interactive teaching strategies, raise student participation, and establish effective communication in order to guarantee successful online education in the face of uncertainty.</em></p>Palupi PalupiDanendra Aflihandito Primandaru
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2024-06-282024-06-289110.21111/ejoc.v9i1.10817The Social Construction of Technology for the Use of CHATGPT in Indonesia
<p>The purpose of this study is to map the vulnerable issue about ChatGPT in academic field. This study seeks to understand the role of online media channels in mediating the understanding behind the use of ChatGPT in Indonesia. This is because the media also constructs how new technology is used, so that the use of technology is not neutral or taken for granted according to what users want. Thus, mapping the information constructed by the media is important to locate in the context of the use of ChatGPT in Indonesia. The main research question of this paper is how does the media construct the discourse related to how ChatGPT should be used? This study tries to fill the knowledge gap over the use of ChatGPT through the social construction of technology (SCOT) approach. This study uses literature review as a method to understand the discourse about the use of ChatGPT through the existence of "relevant social groups". The result shows that online media channels not only act as producers of information, but also act as groups that construct a discourse behind the presence of ChatGPT. This study expands by analyzing the reporting or production of information about ChatGPT through online media channels in Indonesia by identifying three main themes namely context, navigation, and imagination. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that the use of ChatGPT constructs a discourse that triggers concerns regarding its misuse as misleading technology if there is no regulation surrounding it. Therefore, strict laws, regulations, and supervision need to be implemented to ensure the optimal use of ChatGPT and in accordance with the desired goals in related fields.</p>Tangguh Okta Wibowo
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2024-06-282024-06-289110.21111/ejoc.v9i1.11479Study of Online Gambling Promotion Policy in Indonesia, Pakistan, and USA
<p style="font-weight: 400;">Kemajuan teknologi membuat semakin mudah diaksesnya berbagai informasi dan hiburan, tidak terkecuali judi online. Hadirnya internet membuat judi menjadi bisa dilakukan secara digital, dengan berbagai skema dan permainan didalamnya judi online lebih mudah diakses. Kegiatan perjudian online juga membutuhkan strategi promosi yang dilakukan dalam menarik perhatian publik untuk berpartisipasi, bahaya judi online sangat perlu diperhatikan dari beberapa fondasi kebijakan komunikasi, maka dari itu kajian ini akan meneliti bagaimana kebijakan komunikasi terkait promosi judi online pada negara Indonesia, Pakistan dan Amerika. Menggunakan metodologi kualitatif dan pengumpulan data melalui kajian literatur peneliti menemukan jika Indonesia sebagai negara yang melarang judi baik konvensional maupun digital masih kesusahan dalam mengimplementasikan kebijakannya. Pakistan yang memiliki kebijakan sama dengan Indonesia terkait pelarangan judi online akibat kentalnya adat dan budaya agama Islam, serta membuat implementasi penegakan hukum, karena dasarnya penduduk Pakistan tidak memiliki kebebasan berekspresi. Sedangkan USA, beberapa negara bagian mengizinkan untuk kegiatan judi online maupun konvensional karena dianggap memberikan pemasukan yang tinggi pada pajak negara, melihat promosi judi online berbahaya jika menjangkau anak-anak dan remaja. Kemudian implementasi promosi judi online sangat ketat terutama pada judi online ilegal karena adanya dugaan subsidi dana pada kegiatan terorisme.</p>Mohammad Fawaid PradikaLukman Taufik Tri HidayatAchmad Habib Dwi PrakosoAasiim Ahmad Khan
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2024-06-282024-06-289110.21111/ejoc.v9i1.11506Potency Campaign Madurese Culture Through Gastronomy Diplomacy
<p>Gastronomy is a very complex cultural product. The development of gastronomic tourism contributes to strengthening local identity, and will be an important point for the development of sustainable tourism. In gastro-tourism, the main motivation for someone to travel is to get the experience of tasting food and drinks that can provide impressions and memories throughout their life. This research aims to explain the role of gastronomy in campaigning for Madurese culture. This research was conducted using the Life Story method and a gastrodiplomacy study approach. The results of the research show that the eating tradition in Madura is almost carried out on various occasions, from human births to funeral ceremonies. The tradition of eating is a space for people to gather in various elements to exchange ideas and thoughts. The potential for gastronomy as a space for Madurese cultural campaigns is still very wide open. This is related to the unique gastronomic characteristics of Madurese food and can be an interesting topic of conversation at a meeting. This research suggests that it is applicable to hold activities such as MICE-Meeting Incentive Convention and Exhibition with a food theme to become a sustainable Madurese cultural space campaign .</p>Ahmad CholilMoch. Imron RosyidiTatag Handaka
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2024-06-282024-06-289110.21111/ejoc.v9i1.11711Excavating Intercultural Communication At Tourism Facilities Intentions To Visitor Satisfaction
<p><em>This research was conducted at one of the tourist locations, namely Ke'te Kesu', North Toraja Regency. The aim of this research are to identify Information needs by the tourists in terms of intercultural communication and to identify the satisfaction of tourist. As well as, creating innovations to overcome these problems for tourist satisfaction. In the data collection process, this research uses the Design Thinking methodology stages. The four stages are (1) Sense and Sensibility, (2) Empathy, (3) Ideation and (4) Prototype. The research results show that there are difficulties in communicating due to language differences with local residents, so tourists sometimes experience confusion. Facilities at tourist locations lack safety because slippery stairs provide access for visitors to enjoy various destinations. Alternative solutions that have been provided by researchers include the Wonderful Toraja Application (WOTA) to make it easier for tourists to communicate</em><em> and the Ke'te Kesu Tentacle (KeKel) to make it easier for tourists to access slippery stairs.</em></p>Wahyu Nurul FitriUmmi Khaerati SyamIsmail SangkalaNargiza Suleymanova
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2024-06-282024-06-289110.21111/ejoc.v9i1.11744The Phenomenon of COVID-19 Conspiracy Theory Narratives through Virtual Ethnography on Instagram
<p><em>This study aims to investigate the conspiracy phenomenon of the COVID-19 pandemic as disseminated by the Instagram account @unexplnd. This account boasts 842 thousand followers and stands as one of the largest social media propagating the concept of COVID-19 conspiracy theories in Indonesia. Primary data is derived from posts on this account, and secondary data is obtained through interviews with four followers who actively engage in commenting and harbor beliefs in the existence of conspiracies. The research corpus is subsequently scrutinized employing the conceptual framework delineated by Douglas, Sutton, and Cichocka (2017), which delineates the emergence of conspiracies through epistemic, existential, and social motives. The findings of this investigation reveal that incidents perceived as random chance occurrences, motivated by the desire to preserve comfort and freedom, along with suspicion or resentment towards particular entities, serve as grounds for endorsing COVID-19 pandemic conspiracy theories. Furthermore, exposure to media presenting conspiracy theories, such as the Instagram account @unexplnd, contributes to an augmented belief in such theories among proponents. Conspiracy theorists desire to raise awareness among the general populace regarding conspiracy theories by disseminating information containing conspiracy narratives across various media channels.</em></p>Fathul QoribRangga Tirta Ramadan
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