Clearing in the View of Islamic Economic law


  • Ahmad Muqorobin Lecturer in Department of Islamic Economics Law, Faculty of Shari’ah University of Darussalam (UNIDA) Gontor
  • Yunita Wulandari Master Student in Islamic Economics Law, University of Darussalam (UNIDA) Gontor



service bank, clearing, ‘aqd, wakâlah


The financial flow can be regarded good or bad based on the function of centralbank in managing the circulation of money in Indonesia. Currently, the transanctiongiral money is more dominant than cartel money in the society. Because it tends to bemore effective, effecient and easy used in all economic activities. Most of the paymentsmaking up the transactions flow between several banks, which need one of the instrumentsthat settles the flow money circulated among the banks known as clearing. The objectiveof research is to know the mechanism of clearing and the structure of ‘aqd in the bankfrom Islamic law perspective. The finding shows that the application of clearing inIslamic banking has used Aplikasi kliring the contract of waka>lah, specifically waka>lahbilujroh that the bank will get the fees to represent the customers settling the payment.


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How to Cite

Muqorobin, Ahmad, and Yunita Wulandari. 2017. “Clearing in the View of Islamic Economic Law”. AL-IKTISAB: Journal of Islamic Economic Law 1 (2):141-56.


