Will Investment Interest in the Sharia Capital Market Continue to Grow in the Future?


  • Iin Oktaviani Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia
  • Asep Maksum Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia
  • Ahmad Muslim Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia


Islamic Financial Literacy, Islamic Financial Products, Sharia Investment Return, Productive Age


The objective of this study is to determine the future development of investment in financial products in the Islamic capital market. The study focuses on three key determinants, including investment literacy, the type of product, and the return on investment in the Islamic capital market. The study utilized quantitative descriptive analysis techniques, specifically multiple linear regression analysis, and collected data from 400 participants residing in DKI Jakarta. The sampling technique employed purposive sampling, with the main criterion being individuals aged 22-45 years, residing in Jakarta, and holding a minimum high school education. The study findings reveal that investment literacy in the Islamic capital market significantly affects investment interest. However, the type of product in the Islamic capital market does not have a significant effect on investment interest. On the other hand, the return on investment in the Islamic capital market significantly influences investment interest. Additionally, all three variables, including investment literacy, the type of product, and the return on investment in the Islamic capital market, have a simultaneous effect on investment interest. The study outcomes can provide valuable insights and references for the Islamic capital market to devise effective strategies that attract more investors in the future.


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How to Cite

Oktaviani, I., Maksum, A., & Muslim, A. (2024). Will Investment Interest in the Sharia Capital Market Continue to Grow in the Future?. SYARIAH: E-Proceeding of Islamic Law, 2(2), 105–118. Retrieved from https://ejournal.unida.gontor.ac.id/index.php/SYARIAH/article/view/11906