Analysis of DSN-MUI Fatwa for 2000-2022 Concerning Sharia Banking: Review of Sociology of Law and Istinbath Islamic Law


  • Wahyudi UIN Antasari Banjarmasin, Indonesia
  • Hafiz Anshary UIN Antasari Banjarmasin, Indonesia
  • Sukarni UIN Antasari Banjarmasin, Indonesia


DSN-MUI, Fatwa, Istinbath, Sociology of Law


From 2000 to June 2022, DSN-MUI has issued 152 fatwa products. DSN-MUI uses three approaches in the fatwa determination process, namely  the nash qath'i approach, the qauli (bayani) approach, and the manhaji approach. Despite having  the legal istinbath  method, there are still many people questioning the DSN-MUI fatwa product. DSN-MUI is seen as preferring  the opinion of ashlah (more beneficial) than the opinion of arjah (stronger). Based on the above, it is important to examine the sociological relationship between the background of the DSN-MUI fatwa and the DSN-MUI fatwa istinbath method and its implications for fatwa products. Samples of DSN-MUI fatwa examined 31 fatwa. The objectives of this study are, to analyzing sociological relations that affect the DSN-MUI fatwa for 2000-2022 concerning sharia banking, and analyze the pattern of DSN-MUI fatwa for 2000-2022 concerning sharia banking in the perspective of Islamic legal institutions. This research is empirical and normative research. Empirical research is used to examine the sociological relationship between fatwa and external factors that have the potential to influence them, while normative research is used to examine the suitability of fatwa with the concept of Islamic legal istinbath. The conclusions and findings of this study are, external factors, both mustafti, PBI, POJK, and PMA KHES do not affect the pattern of DSN-MUI fatwa for 2000-2022 concerning sharia banking studied. On the other hand, DSN-MUI fatwa are absorbed in PBI, POJK, and KHES in sharia contracts. The pattern of DSN-MUI fatwa for 2000-2022 concerning sharia banking studied predominantly uses the manhaji approach (21 fatwa or  67,70%), followed by  qath'i and bayani (6 fatwa or 19,40%), and qath'i approach (2 fatwa or 6,45%).


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How to Cite

Wahyudi, Anshary, H., & Sukarni. (2024). Analysis of DSN-MUI Fatwa for 2000-2022 Concerning Sharia Banking: Review of Sociology of Law and Istinbath Islamic Law. SYARIAH: E-Proceeding of Islamic Law, 2(2), 31–46. Retrieved from