
  • Asep Awaludin University of Darussalam Gontor, Ponorogo
  • Mohammad Alex Sorbeto University of Darussalam Gontor, Ponorogo



Purgatory, Catholicism, Contradiction Ideas.


In outlining the concept of Purgatory according to the view of Catholicism and has become a doctrine is a place, condition or process where the souls of the dead from the bad things they did compile them are still alive, so make it easy to go to heaven. However, two of the biggest Protestant branches, Lutherans and Calvinists, refused. The method used by the author is a library research method that is sourced from several papers issued by Christians. While discussing the author in research analysis, the author uses historical-analysis (historical-analysis) to facilitate the writer in tracing historical analysis with several concepts offered by Christians. Related to these goals. What follows is a discussion that contradicts the theological concept of salvation. According to him, with the concept of the death and victory of Christ, Christians have been saved, so what else is Purgatory as the path that must be passed to achieve salvation. How to make a difference of opinion about the difference between the Church, which makes a difference because of the repentance that must be penetrated by humans who have committed sins. Then the sign he can return to being holy with purification for as long as they live.


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