Green Economy and Partnership Program in the Tofu Processing Industry: Towards Social-Economic Systems Driving Sustainable Development


  • Adinda Thaliya Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung
  • Dania Hellin Amrina Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta



Green Economy, Partnership Program, Socio-economic System, Islamic Economics


With the development of the population which continues to increase along with the times, there is also a shift in people's lifestyles and human desires to be able to meet their needs, this can be seen from the many community businesses that make ends meet and encourage the family's economy without thinking about the impact on the surrounding environment. The purpose of this study is to find out how the implementation of the green economy and partnership program is carried out in the tofu processing industry in a socio-economic system to encourage sustainable development, so that later it is hoped that the results of this research resume can serve as an example for other processing industries to implement green economy and partnership programs. good for the socio-economic system. This research is a descriptive study using literature and summarizing the results of previous studies. This research shows the results that the tofu processing industry on Singkep Island, Bandar Lampung City has implemented a partnership program, and through this research it can also be seen that the processing industry studied has implemented green economy principles in promoting sustainable development. development. The existence of an exemplary application of partnership programs and the green economy can foster a socio-economic system that is in accordance with the main objectives of Islamic economics, namely creating a prosperous society based on justice, equity and balance.


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