Journal of Comparative Study of Religions <p><strong>Journal of Comparative Study of Religions (JCSR)</strong> published by the Department of Comparative Study of Religions of Faculty of Ushuluddin, University of Darussalam (UNIDA) Gontor, Indonesia. JCSR is a semi-annual journal published in <strong>May and November</strong> for the development of scientific ethos. The editor accepts scientific articles and results of research in accordance with its nature as a journal of Religious Comparative Studies. This journal<em> </em>is <strong>open access</strong>, and <strong>does not charge an APC</strong> for publication. Submission, publication, and access to the journal is <strong>free</strong>.</p> en-US The author whose published manuscript approved the following provisions:<br /><br /> <br /><br />The right of publication of all material published in the journal / published in the JCSR is held by the editorial board with the knowledge of the author (moral rights remain the author of the script).<br /><br />The formal legal provisions for access to digital articles of this electronic journal are subject to the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0), which means that JCSR reserves the right to save, transmit media or format, Database), maintain, and publish articles without requesting permission from the Author as long as it keeps the Author's name as the owner of Copyright.<br /><br />Printed and electronic published manuscripts are open access for educational, research and library purposes. In addition to these objectives, the editorial board shall not be liable for violations of copyright law. (M. Kharis Majid) (Muttaqin) Sun, 02 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 Austria's Institutionalized Discriminatory Policies: A Historical Study on Anti-Semitic and Anti-Muslim Phenomena <p>Racism constitutes a serious social issue in Austria. This phenomenon has garnered significant attention from activists, leading to discussions and the formation of numerous organizations dedicated to combating and addressing racism. However, despite decades of anti-racist discourse and efforts in Austria, the issue persists. Reports from anti-racist organizations indicate that incidents of racism remain prevalent to this day. Therefore, it is intriguing to investigate why racism has endured as a dynamic phenomenon in Austria. This article seeks to discuss how politics in Austria institutionalized racism, rooted in a lengthy historical context specifically, racism against the Jewish community (antisemitism) and racism against Muslims. The data were obtained through reviewing previous research findings and reports from anti-racism organizations. Descriptive analysis was employed to provide a detailed explanation of the context within a framework of power relations theory. The study reveals that the ideology</p> <p>inherited from Nazism, which encompasses concepts such as Lebensraum (living space) and the marginalization of specific groups, continues to influence Austrian politics, albeit narrated differently through political campaigns and discriminatory policies. This ideological influence permeates the public sphere, serving as a crucial factor in the unresolved nature of racism in contemporary Austria. Furthermore, the research identifies a shift in political tendencies over time, transitioning from an emphasis on anti-Semitism to Government policies and political campaigns in Austria constitute significant supporting factors influencing racist actions against Muslims in the daily life of Austrian society. wards anti-Muslim racism. Through the perspective of power relations government policies and political campaigns in Austria constitute significant supporting factors influencing racist actions in the daily life of Austrian society. For example, Dokustelle (the Center for Documentation and Counseling on Anti-Muslim Racism in Austria) identified over a thousand cases of racism against Muslims in 2022.</p> wiji nurasih Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 02 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Shape of The Earth in The Perspective of Islam and Hinduism <p>This research intends to know the shape of the earth through <br />the perspective of Islam and Hinduism. With descriptive, analysis <br />and comparative methods, the researcher produced three important <br />conclusions. Firstly, the two scriptures agreed that the phenomenon <br />of day and night is caused by sunlight. Rationally this phenomenon <br />will not happen except by the globe earth. Secondly, in the <br />perspective of Islam, it is not mentioned clearly about the shape of <br />the earth but differs in the perspective of Hinduism which mentioned <br />it clearly. This matter causes different views and interpretations. <br />Thirdly, Al-Biruni that represent the Muslim scholar and Aryabhata <br />represent Hindu, in study the shape of the earth, the both did their <br />research by using the concept of a globe earth and the results were <br />still in use today. Knowing more details, the research on the shape of <br />the earth becomes very interesting. </p> Jarman Arroisi, Rodhi Hakiki Bin Cecep Mustopa, Aflatun Muchtar, Fahman Mumtazi, Imroatul Istiqamah Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 02 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Muhammad's Prophecy in Christianity and Islam: Debate and Controversy <p><em>The cross-religious debate that is most often discussed is about the claim of the apostle as the final Prophets, which is believed in Christianity that it never happened. The apostle was Muhammad Pbuh, an ordinary human being given advantages and privileges and elevated above all creatures. Contrary to the Christian belief that Isa or Jesus in the Christian belief is their greatest human being, the Bible is written about the arrival of a great figure that was promised. Therefore, this paper seeks to reveal the truth in Christian teachings regarding Muhammad as the complement of previous teachings. By including evidence from several figures from these two heavenly religions, namely Christianity and Islam, supported by evidence found in the Bible and al-Qur’an. The descriptive analysis method is used in this research to analyze the understanding of the two major religions of the world and related cross-religious teachings and doctrines. It’s supported by comparative methods that make it easier to see and know the comparisons found in both Islam and Christianity. A theological approach is used in this qualitative literature review, where the perspective of this writing is taken from studies that analyze scripts from holy books, discussing interfaith concepts and matters related to doctrine in religion. With this research it is hoped that further researchers will be able to take the value if necessary to be refined with an explanation broader and complete the deficiencies contained in this writing.</em></p> Tonny Ilham Prayogo, Westi Wiliyana Sari, Nadiyah Ayu Damayanti Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis Ayat-Ayat Kebebasan Beragama dalam Tafsir Sayyid Qutb <p>Pada dasarnya kebebasan untuk memilih menjadi mukmin atau kafir merupakan otoritas sepenuhnya dari manusia itu sendiri. Bahkan dalam beragama, harus berdasarkan kepada keyakinan dan kesadaran yang penuh terhadap ajaran dari agama yang dipeluknya. Artikel ini menganalisis tentang pandangan Sayyid Qutb terhadap kebebasan beragama dalam <em>Tafsîr Fî Zhilâl Al-Qur’ân.</em> Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif analitis dengan tafsir tematik sebagai pendekatannya. Hasilnya ditemukan bahwa <em>pertama,</em> bahwa kebebasan beragama menurut Sayyid Qutb sangatlah ketat, karena sifat agama Islam sendiri didasarkan pada ayat-ayat Al-Qur'an yang menjelaskan hubungan antara orang-orang yang tidak menganut agama Islam dengan orang-orang yang menganut agama lain, sehingga menetapkan agama Islam sebagai hukum terakhir tentang hubungan antara masyarakat Islam dengan orang-orang yang tidak menganut agama Islam. <em>Kedua,</em> kebebasan beragama dalam Islam adalah bahwasanya tidak ada paksaan dalam beragama. <em>Ketiga,</em> Pada umumnya, para Mufassir menafsirkan ayat-ayat tentang kebebasan beragama berarti bebas untuk bertindak adil dan berhubungan baik dengan orang lain. Hubungan baik tersebut berlaku untuk semua agama, hal ini menunjukkan bahwasanya toleransi yang dimaksud bukanlah dalam ranah <em>aqidah </em>dan <em>ibadah,</em> melainkan cukup toleransi dalam batasan <em>mu'</em><em>ȃ</em><em>malah</em> saja.</p> Akhmad Sulton Hasan Basri, Subarkah Yudi Waskito Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Nadzoriyatu Khalqu al-Insan fi al-Kitab al-Muqoddas: Naqdu ‘ala Nadzariyatu al-Tathowwur li Charles Darwin <p>This article explores the fundamental differences between these theological and scientific views through analysis of the text of the Bible and Darwin's theory of evolution which aims to explain the definition of human creation and the theory of evolution and analyze the theory using verses in the Bible. To complete this writing, the researcher used the descriptive-critical analysis method to examine and criticize the theory using a naturalist worldview approach to the ideas presented by Darwin. The result is that Charles Darwin's theory of evolution becomes a new paradigm regarding human origins which denies divinity in its creation. Darwin's theory of evolution is a scientific concept which states that living species experience development through the process of natural selection. In the Book of Genesis it explains that humans were created by God, Adam was formed from the dust of the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nose and created Eve from Adam's rib, this shows that humans were created directly by God and are considered special among other creations.</p> Retno Damayanti, Asep Awaludin Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700