Journal of Islamization Studies2025-01-31T10:39:20+07:00Muhammad Journal Systems<p>The peer-review process begins when the handling editor, as part of the Managing Editor, carefully selects incoming manuscripts through the Online Journal System. The selection considers the suitability of aim and scope, quality of language, and journal citation format and style.</p> <p>Manuscripts received by the handling editor are then forwarded to two or four reviewers. The reviewers will then assess the quality of the manuscript, which may last up to 6 months.</p> <p>The reviewed manuscripts are then classified into 'accepted' (which is extraordinary rare), 'minor revision, 'major revision', and 'declined submission'. The manuscripts need to be revised by authors are then returned back to them, as authors should recognize and consider reviewers' corrections and suggestions through their returned manuscripts.</p> <p>The revised manuscript is then sent back to the reviewers so that the reviewers can evaluate authors' revision. If the reviewers agree to the author's revision, the Journal will accept the manuscript to be published in the next issue.</p> <p>The author is then asked to declare their consent to transfer the copyright to the Journal.</p> <p>Last, the manuscript proceeds to the Layout, Editing, and Proofreading until it is published as an electronic manuscript.</p> (Islamized) Medicine and its Culture in Early French Renaissance2024-12-03T09:03:22+07:00Mahmud Angrinidr-ma@aloola.syAbdul Nasser<p>The Muslims harboured ambitions of conquering the southern shores of France from the moment they established their foothold in the West. By the early eighth century AD In the year 712 AD, the Muslims set their sights on the conquest of Sardinia, swiftly followed by the capture of Corsica. With their successful incursion into Al-Andalus, the next logical progression in their expansionist ambitions was the subjugation of Gaul, that is, France. They seized Narbonne in 720 AD and subsequently advanced further into Burgundy</p>2025-01-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Mahmud Angrini, Abdul Nasser Kaadan Translation of the Work by Ali Münşî of Bursa: Tuhfe-i Aliyye/Kına Kına Risâlesi2024-12-03T09:06:50+07:00Esma YıldırımEYildirim@qcc.cuny.eduSalim Aydü<p>Aslen Bursa’lı olduğundan dolayı daha çok “Bursalı Ali Münşî Efendi” diye tanınmaktadır1. Soyu, Bursa'nın pekçok âlim yetiştiren meşhur ailesi Menteşzadeler'e dayanmaktadır. İlk eğitimini Bursa'daki medreselerde yapan Ali Münşi İshak Hocası Ahmed Efendi'den2 (ö. 1708) hususi dersler aldı. Öğrenimini tamamladıktan sonra Bursa Yıldırım Bayezid Darüşşifası hekimlerinden Bursalı Ömer Şifaî'den3 (ö. 1742) tıp tahsil etti ve aynı zamanda onun yardımcısı oldu. Bu arada medrese eğitimini tamamlayarak hariç medreselerinden birine müderris oldu. Bir taraftan hasta tedavisiyle uğraşırken, diğer taraftan da Bursa ve İstanbul'da bazı medreselerde ders verdi. Tıp sahasındaki başarılı çalışmalarıyla kısa zamanda şöhreti arttı ve saraya girerek etibbâ-yı hâssa tabiplerinden oldu. Bir müddet burada çalıştıktan sonra Galatasaray Enderun Mektebi Hastalar Dairesi'ne başhekim yapıldı. Bu görevindeyken 1733 yılında vefat etti. Üsküdar'da Himmet Dede Tekkesi civarında bulunan kabri, daha sonra Karacaahmet Mezarlığı'na taşındı.</p>2025-01-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Esma Yıldırım, Salim Aydüz Approach of Islamic Teachings to Education for Contemporary Man2024-12-03T09:18:28+07:00Hamidreza<p>The inconsistency of some educational systems in the contemporary world with the educational approaches in Islamic societies has not only led to their inefficacy but also imposed non-divine and even anti-religious values upon Islamic communities. Given the necessity of presenting educational theories aligned with Islamic societies, this article aims to demonstrate the approach Islamic teachings can take towards the foundations of education.</p> <p>These teachings are principally derived from the Quran and the sayings and lifestyles of the Prophet Muhammad and his Household (peace be upon them). Among them, Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq (peace be upon him), the sixth Imam of the Shia, played a prominent role in presenting such intellectual systems based on Quranic insights and the Prophet's conduct. From the collection of Imam Sadiq's practices and sayings, it is possible to extract some features as his intellectual views on education.</p> <p>In this paper, we focus on the educational foundations as derived from his sayings in four domains. We then highlight fourteen value attributes in his educational approach, which can serve as the foundation for structuring the principles of Islamic education and its practical solutions.</p>2025-01-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Hamidreza Ayatollahy Islamic Principles in Sustainable Real Estate Development: A Path to Harmonious Community Living2024-12-03T10:06:17+07:00Noorsidi Aizuddin Mat<p>This research explores the equitable, balanced, and environmentally sound application of Islamic provisions to real estate to create healthier societies. It stands on the basics of Islamic teachings on moderation, fairness, and the general leadership of the community, which are in harmony with the philosophy of modern sustainable action. This research used both quantitative and qualitative research methods, where information from the developers and planners was obtained through interviews while quantitative information from the inhabitants of sustainable communities was obtained through a survey. The research shows that whereas best practices regarding environmental endowment have been implemented properly in real estate-related projects, other Islamic values, for instance equity and social justice, as well as integration of the community, have not been so well implemented appropriately. They also noted a significant and positive relationship between the perceived degree of satisfaction with community spaces and the perceived degree of Islamic values integration. This led to the identification of challenges such as the insufficient practical experience of developers in implementing Islamic finance instruments that comprise sukuk and waqf, among others. These studies indicate the need to focus on raising awareness and capacity to enable developers to adhere to Islamic guidelines more effectively. The research has implications that policymakers and developers need to take into consideration in the designing of future real estate developments with the aim of achieving fairness in economics and enhancing the welfare of communities. It is recommended that subsequent studies examine these gaps and analyse the potential social repercussions of the Islamic-based real estate projects.</p>2025-01-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Noorsidi Aizuddin Mat Noor Role of Environmental Fiqh in Human Awareness of Protecting Nature: An Analysis Study of the Fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council on the Environment2024-12-05T09:03:44+07:00Bahrum<p>An important cause of the destruction of nature begins with <em> a materialistic human worldview</em>. Nature and the environment are only seen as objects to fulfill human life. Thus, nature is overused, in order to satisfy lust without looking at its sustainability in a sustainable future. This study examines several fatwas of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) related to the environment. With a library research approach, researchers found that the MUI fatwa has an important role in changing the way humans view nature and the environment. The nature of nature is not only a physical essence that is materialistic, but nature is an important part of human life that has spiritual values. Nature is entrusted by Allah, not the property of humans, but Allah gives wide authority in its management. Therefore, nature management cannot be separated from the guidelines of the Shari'ah, in this case what is already contained in the Qur'an and Hadith.</p>2025-01-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Bahrum Subagiyaالكلمات المقترضة اللغة العربية في لغة قبيلة أنيوك جامي في منطقة أتشيه2024-12-05T09:06:51+07:00Malik Ibrahimmalikibrahimbinzulzailani@gmail.comZulkhairi<p>يتناول هذا البحث الكلمات المقترضة من اللغة العربية في لغة قبيلة أنوك جامي في مقاطعة أتشيه. ويستخدم البحث المنهج الوصفي التحليلي لتحليل هذه الظاهرة. الهدف الرئيسي من البحث هو التعرف على الكلمات الممتصة من اللغة العربية وفهم تأثيرها على لغة أنيوك جامي. يتم تحليل الكلمات المستعارة بناءً على سلسلة من الحروف العربية، وتوجد الكلمات المستعارة في 20 حرفًا مختلفًا من الحروف أو الأصوات، وتظهر نتائج الدراسة أن هناك عدة كلمات في لغة أنوك جامي متأثرة بشدة باللغة العربية وتغطي مجالات مختلفة الحياة اليومية كالدين والتعليم والأدب، مما يظهر تأثير اللغة العربية في مختلف جوانب الحياة الثقافية والاجتماعية. وتظهر نتائج البحث أن هناك عددا من الكلمات في لغة أنوك جامي متأثرة بشكل كبير باللغة العربية. وتقدم هذه النتائج صورة أوضح لعملية استعارة الكلمات بين هاتين اللغتين، فضلا عن انعكاساتها على الهوية اللغوية. من قبيلة أنوك جامي في أتشيه.</p>2025-01-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Malik Ibrahim, Zulkhairi Sofyan, Zulkhairi Sofyan, Emi Suhemi Radicalization of Islam: Case Study of Media Reportage of Boko Haram Insurgency in Northern Nigeria2024-12-27T22:03:22+07:00Sulaiman A.<p>One of the challenges of the world today is the plethora of wars, hostilities, violence, and pogrom engineered by the militarization of religions. From the north, to the south, east and west of the globe, there is religious war cloaked in political gimmicks. And the human devastation continues endlessly in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Turkey, Iraq, Greater Sahel and Lake Chad Basin, North Eastern Nigeria, South Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Israel and Palestine, Ukraine, Mexico, and among others including pockets of terrorist acts in United Kingdom and United States. This study examines the radicalization of Islam and its multiplying effects on the peace in the world. It looks at the media reportage of the Boko Haram terrorist religious group in Nigeria. It analyzes the coverage of the insurgencies in the Radio Nigeria news bulletins at the height of the mutinies. It concludes that the coverage of Radio Nigeria of the Boko Haram radicalization in the killing, kidnapping, and destruction of property in the north eastern Nigeria hasn’t reduced the hostilities of the terrorist group. The research offers recommendations for the ways out of the crises.</p>2025-01-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Sulaiman A. Osho