Islamic Business and Management Journal <p><strong>Islamic Business and Management Journal (IBMJ) (P-ISSN: <a href="">2622-6316</a> | E-ISSN: <a href="">2622-6324)</a></strong> is a semiannual journal published by University of Darussalam Gontor. IBMJ have collaborated with <strong><a href="">Forum Pengelola Jurnal Manajemen</a></strong>, <a href=""><strong>Komite Nasional Ekonomi dan Keuangan Syariah</strong></a>, <strong><a href="">World Academy of Islamic Management (WAIM) Malaysia</a></strong> and in line with the objective of the University, the journal is committed to promoting and developing contemporary issues in Business and Islamic management. In the broadest sense, in order to keep scholars on research in the area of management. The editorial board welcomes original submissions in several fields:<br />1. Islamic Finance<br />2. Islamic Human Resource Management<br />3. Islamic Marketing<br /><br />IBMJ is currently indexed by <a href=""><strong>ISSN BRIN</strong></a>, <strong><a title="Google Scholar" href=";user=A92oT-AAAAAJ&amp;view_op=list_works&amp;sortby=pubdate" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Google Scholar</a></strong>, <strong><a href="|%20December">Garuda</a></strong> and other indexes in the future. </p> <p>Authors are welcome to publish research results and other articles by English in the IBMJ by following the existing the <strong><a href=";ouid=115047706002286042294&amp;rtpof=true&amp;sd=true">format guidelines</a></strong>. This journal routinely publishes articles twice a year every June and December.</p> <p><strong>Announcements</strong></p> <p><strong>CALL FOR PAPERS</strong><br />Volume 7 Issue 2 - December 2024</p> <p>Invites Research Articles in All Categories of Islamic Business and Management Journal.</p> <p>For online submission in <br />Information Contact : Bagas Bambang Pamujo: 081217492109</p> University of Darussalam Gontor en-US Islamic Business and Management Journal 2622-6316 Resilience: How Academics Stay After Multiple Psychological Contract Breaches <p>This qualitative phenomenological study explores the lived experiences of academics who have encountered multiple breaches in their psychological contracts within academic institutions. Through in-depth interviews with participants from diverse disciplines and career stages, the study investigates the coping mechanisms and adaptations in daily work activities employed by academics to navigate the emotional aftermath of psychological contract breaches. The findings reveal a multifaceted landscape of resilience, encompassing strategies such as seeking social support, engaging in professional development, utilizing creative outlets, and intentionally cultivating autonomy. Furthermore, adaptations in daily work activities include reorienting research focus, innovating teaching methodologies, embracing interdisciplinary collaborations, and committing to continuous learning. Comparisons with existing literature underscore both consistent themes and novel dimensions, contributing to a nuanced understanding of academic resilience. The study concludes with actionable recommendations for institutions to support the well-being and resilience of academics, emphasizing the importance of autonomy, interdisciplinary collaboration, and reflective practices. Future research directions are also proposed to deepen our understanding of academic resilience in the face of evolving challenges within the contemporary academic landscape.</p> Yayan Firmansah Zabeda Abdul Hamid Suhaimi Mhd Sarif Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-10 2023-12-12 2023-12-12 6 2 94 103 10.21111/ibmj.v6i2.11249 The Effect of Halal Label on Product Packaging on Muslim Consumer Purchase Decision <p><em>The halal label is an important thing in society, especially for Indonesian people, the majority of whose population adheres to Islam. Researchers found that there are several food products consumed by Muslims that have not included a halal label. Mini Market Latansa Gontor 5 of the 100 products sold 20 of them have not been labelled halal, which means 20% do not have a halal label. The methodology that researchers use is quantitative which is a field survey by taking a sample of 130 teachers of Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor 5 Magelang. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is an influence and how much influence the halal label has on the interest in purchasing food products at Mini Market Latansa Gontor 5. The data obtained is then processed using the IBM SPSS v.21 application. The results obtained are, of the 20 statements with an error rate of 5%, rCount is greater than rTable with a value level of 0.159, meaning that all statements are valid. The reliability test obtained a Cronbach alpha value of 78.9% for questionnaire X (halal label) and 88.3% for questionnaire Y (consumer purchase interest) greater than 60%, meaning that both questionnaires are reliable. From the results of the simple linear regression test, the probability number is 0.000, which is smaller than 0.5, meaning that there is a significant relationship between X (halal label) and Y (consumer purchase interest).</em> <em>From the results of the T test, it is obtained that the Thitung amount of the level of influence of halal labelling on purchasing interest is 11.398 greater than 1.97838, meaning that variable X has a real influence on variable Y. From the results of the detirminization coefficient test (R2), the result is 0.504, meaning that the level of influence of variable X (halal label) on variable Y (consumer purchase interest) is 50.4%, while the remaining 49.6% is influenced by other factors not examined in this study.</em></p> Sultan Nanta Setia Dien Labolo Alfansyuri Nurul Arsyi Novita Khairani Copyright (c) 2023 Islamic Business and Management Journal 2023-12-12 2023-12-12 6 2 104 119 10.21111/ibmj.v6i2.11273 Optimizing Waqf Management For Social Impact <p>Waqf is a distinctive instrument in the Islamic financial system that aims to provide social and economic benefits to society. In Indonesia, waqf has great potential to improve people's welfare, support social and economic development, and advance various sectors in the country, such as issues of access to education and health, among others. This is inseparable from the optimal management of waqf management which is the life of waqf sustainability. This paper reviews good waqf management supported by all aspects including digital aspects, and discusses the challenges faced by the development of digital technologies such as websites, blockchains, and so on in facilitating the management and development of waqf in Indonesia so that it can follow the pattern of steps in the digital era. The results of the study explain that digital innovations such as websites, blockchain, and others are very helpful in carrying out clearer and more accountable waqf management. In other words, the welfare of the state and society is supported by social activities derived from waqf assets, productive investment, and Sharia compliance. Optimal waqf management involves all aspects consisting of sharia compliance, regulations, and the use of adequate technology that has an impact on social activities, education, and even productive investment of waqf assets.</p> Arizqiya Nurfattah Royyan Bachtiar Copyright (c) 2023 Islamic Business and Management Journal 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 6 2 120 131 10.21111/ibmj.v6i2.11376 Analysis of The Influence of Work Discipline And Employee Motivation on Employee Performance BMT Beringharjo <p>Human resources (HR) will play a positive or negative role in the performance &nbsp;of a company &nbsp;by applying &nbsp;work&nbsp; discipline &nbsp;and work&nbsp; motivation. However, BMT Beringharjo Still long work motivations based on Islamic values to improve HR performance. In addition, the success of the company is largely determined by the style of work motivation that exists in the organization that will affect employee performance. BMT Beringharjo is an Islamic-based which implements &nbsp;in accordance &nbsp;with the company's &nbsp;VISION, &nbsp;namely&nbsp; "Leading &nbsp;bras trusted Sharia-Based business partner" in its company so as to improve employee performance. &nbsp;Therefore, &nbsp;this study will analyze&nbsp; how far the influence &nbsp;of work discipline in the organization and the work motivation retrered on improving the performance of BMT Beringharjo. This research uses a quantitative approach. The data collection technique used is primary data, by spreading questionnaires. &nbsp;Data was obtained from the employee &nbsp;population &nbsp;of 31 people.&nbsp; Data analysis&nbsp; using SPSS 26 which was analyzed &nbsp;deductively. &nbsp;The results of this study show that work &nbsp;discipline &nbsp;has a &nbsp;positive &nbsp;effect &nbsp;on employee &nbsp;performance &nbsp;with &nbsp;a sig &nbsp;of 0.002&lt; &nbsp;0.1,&nbsp; while &nbsp;Islamic &nbsp;work &nbsp;motivation &nbsp;has a positive &nbsp;effect &nbsp;on employee performance at BMT Beringharjo with a sig of 0.034&lt; 0.1. With This result, the influence&nbsp; of work discipline and work motivation &nbsp;in it can get closer to Allah SWT through the practice carried out in every work in it. Recommendations for the company &nbsp;itself to always improve work discipline &nbsp;and work motivation &nbsp;in order to create an Islamic organizational culture in accordance with the existing vision, namely " Leading Bras, Trusted sharia Based business &nbsp;Sharia</p> Rahma Yudi Astuti Muhammad Wafiyuddin Balya Mahdi Copyright (c) 2023 Islamic Business and Management Journal 2023-12-23 2023-12-23 6 2 132 143 10.21111/ibmj.v6i2.11358 Optimization Of The National Zakat Amil Agency In Efforts Of Distributing Zakat Funds <p>Education is one of the development sectors of the Indonesian nation to advance society in forming intellectual human resources. Contributions in the field of education are very important to be considered by the government in order to develop educational facilities and infrastructure for the people of Indonesia. The use of zakat funds in the long term is the solution for poor children in terms of education. Even so, it turns out that there are still many people who have not been touched by educational assistance through zakat. Therefore, BAZNAS is expected to be able to touch on this issue through its program, namely Sleman Smart. This research was carried out in 4 different places, namely at the BAZNAS Sleman Office, SD Negeri Perumnas 3, MTs N 4, and MAN 5 Sleman. The research method used is a qualitative method with a juridical-normative and sociological approach. The results of this study are the distribution of zakat funds at BAZNAS Sleman with 5 work programs. The 5 work programs consist of: Productive Sleman, Healthy Sleman, Smart Sleman, Careful Sleman and <em>Taqwa</em> Sleman. Another form that is carried out by the Sleman National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) is by using the <em>muzakki</em> route by awakening the <em>muzakki</em> themselves. BAZNAS Sleman also coordinates with Islamic organizations such as Nahdatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah so that there is no overlap between one another. Specifically, the Sleman Smart program was carried out in coordination with the education office and also the social service. Technical optimization of the National Amil Zakat Agency in this program consists of planning, organizing, collection and supervision. Another result is the distribution of zakat in the education sector in the form of cash distributed to underprivileged students (poor people). This program is expected to exist by students who need it.</p> Ahmad Iqbal Yusdani Yusdani Copyright (c) 2023 Islamic Business and Management Journal 2023-12-29 2023-12-29 6 2 144 153 10.21111/ibmj.v6i2.11378 Sustainable Islamic Development Management Based on Maqashid Syariah <p>The role of Islamic millennial development has a very positive impact on the progress of the nation. Starting many groups on behalf of the hijrah community, da'wah is filled by young people. This research method uses the literature review method by reading primary and secondary literature on development and maqashid sharia. This shows that young people are not negligent with this challenging life. This article aims to find out how maqashid sharia views on sustainable Islamic development. The results of this study explain that the concept of maqasid al-syari'ah is essentially based on revelation to realize the benefits of human life. Considering that maqasid al-syari'ah formulated by scholars rests on five basic needs (benefits) of human life: maintenance of religion, soul, mind, offspring, and property in accordance with the context of the times, a discourse emerged to develop the concept of maqasid al-syari'ah by adding five basic human needs in accordance with the conditions of modern times.</p> Sulthon Elhasbi Rambe Baleo Hilal Hasibuan Imam Haryadi Soritua Ahmad Ramdani Harahap Muhammad Qodri Pangestu Copyright (c) 2023 Islamic Business and Management Journal 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 6 2 154 162 10.21111/ibmj.v6i2.11380